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Stories John Kaiser told Howard Eltiste


Dick and White

Dick and White went to the hospital and took their mother, Emma, to Phillipsburg.  Got her to change her Will to leave them everything, kept her all night in the old cold house,  and the next morning brought her back here and left her at the hospital again.

The hospital called Arnold and he and Annie loaded Alta and John in a 1937 car and came here.  She opened her eyes and said," Who are you and what are you doing here?'  And, Arnold said, "I'm your son, Arnold and the hosp called me to come"  She said,  "Well there's no use you hanging around; Dick and White came and got me yesterday and had me sign a Will leaving them everything."  Shut her eyes, took one more breath and died at 2:00am.

White was driving around Phillipsburg and kept driving around, driving around.  The police stopped him and asked what he was doing.  He said that Dick was mad at him and wouldn't talk to him and wouldn't get out of the car.  Dick was dead in the back seat.  The police got White and the car to the mortuary and called John Kaiser to come to Phillipsburg.  So, John came and set up all the funeral arrangements.  White was still there, and asked John to get him a new battery for the car.  The day of the funeral, White hid from John and wouldn't come out of the house.  After the funeral, John went back and White said he didn't want to go to the funeral.  White drove around with Dick's clothes and a 3 legged dog and lived in the car.  The house had no heat.  A man found him laying in the driveway, dead, with 20 or 25 dogs laying around him howling.  Dick and White had maybe 200 dogs.  People would drop them off or give them to them.  They would get the Serum truck to come, throw in bones and the dogs would jump into the truck and the driver would pay them per head of dogs.

Irene's daughter, Jo Ann, got Dick and White to sign over the oil well rights to her.  Irene had a rabbit and a chicken that sat on chairs at table with her when she ate.  The rabbit and the chicken were trained to use the toilet in the bathroom.  Irene is in the Phillipsburg care home, now.


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