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Adcock Family
Monroe Jackson Combs
Born - Thursday, January 18, 1844
Bureau County, Illinois
Residence - Friday, October 4, 1850
Bureau County, Illinois
Residence - Saturday, June 23, 1860
Nemaha County, Nebraska Territory
Monroe J Combs
Private Company C, 2nd Regiment, Nebraska Cavalry
Enlisted - Thursday, October 23, 1862
Discharged - Wednesday, September 9, 1863
10-Months 16-Days
Married - Thursday, November 6, 1873
Cedar County, Iowa
Residence - Tuesday, June 5, 1900
Turkey Creek Township, Harlan County, Nebraska
Died - Monday, July 5, 1926
His Daughter's Home (Dora Bell (Combs) Davis
Clay Center, Clay County, Nebraska
Buried - Wednesday, July 7, 1926
Mount Vernon Cemetery
Peru, Nemaha County, Nebraska
Section-4 Lot-263
82 Years 5 Months 17 Days
Homer, Neil, and Elmer Combs
Amanda, Julia, Monroe, Dora & Minnie Combs
Photo was taken when the family lived, 1 mile South of Huntley, Nebraska
Monroe J. Combs Buried at Peru
Passed away at Home of Daughter in Clay Center
M. J. Combs for many years a resident of this vicinity passed away Monday, July 5, 1926, at the home of his daughter at Clay Center. He had been in extremely poor health for several months, and death was not unexpected. He was brought to Peru Wednesday morning and the funeral was held at the Methodist church at ten o'clock. The funeral was under the direction of the Masonic Lodge of Peru. The services at the church were conducted by Reverend R. A. Trowbridge, and the music was furnished by a Masonic quartet, composed of Professors V. E. Chatelain, S. L. Clements, C. A. Spacht, and E. C. Beck. The burial services at the cemetery were conducted by the lodge, and the funeral address was made by Past Master H. W. Bedell. The six remaining members of the Peru G. A. R. also attended the funeral in a body. Monroe J. Combs was born at Peru, Illinois January 18, 1844, and was 82 years, five months and seventeen days of age, being preceded in death by his wife in September, 1825. He is survived by six children, Mrs. J. L. Adcock, Silver Creek; Homer L. Combs, Auburn; E. C. Combs, Huntley; Mrs. C. A. Davis, Brush, Colorado; and Mrs. Davis, Clay Center; with whom he made his home at the time of his death. All the children were present at the funeral. One brother, W. F. Combs, of El Reno, Oklahoma, one sister, Mrs. A. M. Hoblitzell of Skidmore, Missouri, Eighteen grandchildren; and five great-grandchildren also survive him. In 1855 he came with his parents to Nebraska and settled on a homestead near Peru. Seven years later he enlisted in Company C, Second Nebraska Volunteer Cavalry and was assigned to the frontier at Fort Kearney, Nebraska. After being mustered out of the Army service he resided in Peru neighborhood until 1898, when he with his family moved to Huntley, Nebraska, and remained there until March 1926, after which he made his home with Mr. and Mrs. Davis at Clay Center, where he resided until death. In early days he united with the M. E. Church at Peru, he was also a member of Dick Oglesby Post G. A. R. No. 284, of Huntley. He was made a Mason at Peru, and was a past master of Peru lodge, No. 14; and after locating at Huntley, he took active part in organizing Huntley Masonic Lodge No 270 of which he was a charter member. Mr. Combs was a man of the highest type, a man who held the esteem of all who knew him. His long residence here gave him a host of friends in Peru and vicinity, who always welcomed him on his visits to the old home. The relatives have the sincerest sympathy of these friends in their bereavement.
Peru Pointer Friday
July 9, 1926
Wife -
Julia Evelyn (Roberts) Combs
Born - Wednesday, January 12, 1848
Brookville, Franklin County, Indiana
Died - Friday, September 25, 1925
Huntley, Harlan County, Nebraska
- Minnie Jane (Combs) Adcock
Born - Wednesday, September 23,1874
- Homer Lee Combs
Born - Saturday, January 15,1876
Son - Cornelius H. Combs
Born - Friday, January 19,1877 - Nebraska
Married - November 30, 1905
Harlan County, Nebraska
Died - July 1968
Hastings, Adams County, Nebraska
Wife - Grace (Jeffrey) Combs
Born - 1885 - Nebraska
Father - J. Jeffrey
Son - Elmer Cornelius Combs
Born - August 1878 - Nebraska
Daughter - Dora Bell (Combs) Davis
Born - 1883 - Nebraska
Husband - Clarence Davis
Born - 1887 - Kentucky
Son - Vernon Davis
Born -1919 - Colorado
Daughter - Sarah Amanda Combs
Born - 1887 - Nebraska
Sister - Amanda Martha (Combs) Hoblitzell
Born - November 30, 1842 - Illinois
Married - March 19, 1861
Peru, Nemaha County, Nebraska
Died - April 27, 1931
Nodaway County, Missouri
Buried - Masonic Cemetery
Skidmore, Nodaway County, Missouri
Husband - Cornelius Hoblitzell
Born - January 10, 1841 - Platte County, Missouri
Died - April 7, 1914
Buried - Masonic Cemetery
Skidmore, Nodaway County, Missouri
Parents - Adrian & Elizabeth (Dorland) Hoblitzell
Brother - William Fletcher Combs
Born - December 27, 1846 - Bureau County, Illinois
Married - June 8, 1875 - Atchison County, Missouri
Died - September 18, 1935
El Reno, Canadian County, Oklahoma
Wife - Martha Marinda (Seymour) Combs
Born - July 1857 - Atchison County, Missouri
Died - July 13, 1935 - El Reno, Canadian County, Oklahoma
Father - John U. Seymour
Mother - Sarah Jane (Young) Seymour
Sister - Mary M. (Combs) Kelso
Born - 1848 - Bureau County, Illinois
Sister - Sarah J. Combs
Born - 1850 - Bureau County, Illinois
Brother - George Washington Combs
Born - 1855 - Missouri
Sister - Louisa Anna Combs
Born - 1860
Sister - Ida May Combs
Born - 1861- Illinois
- Jefferson Lee Combs
Jane Gillespie (Swan) Combs
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