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Adcock Family
Vernon Richard Adcock
Born - Saturday, May 23, 1908
Huntley, Harlan County, Nebraska
Died - Thursday, February 5, 1931
Auburn Hospital
Auburn, Nemaha County, Nebraska
Buried - Wednesday, February 11, 1931
Tecumseh Cemetery
Tecumseh, Johnson County, Nebraska
Block -183 Lot - 3
Was Returning From Pawnee City Early Monday Morning When He Was Pinned Beneath Overturned Car And So Badly Crushed That Death Ensued
Vernon Adcock died at the Auburn hospital early Monday morning from injuries sustained in an automobile accident several hours previous. Vernon and Clarence Warnke were returning to Auburn from Pawnee City and had reached a point near the John Miles place when the fatal accident occurred. Vernon was driving, and Warnke, who had fallen asleep, says that he suddenly found himself lying unhurt a short distance from the overturned car, underneath which Vernon was pinned, the edge of the running board resting across his chest. Skidding in loose gravel is regarded as being the cause pf the crash. Fortunately another car came along and Vernon, who was unconscious and evidently terribly injured, was extricated and hurried to the Auburn hospital. The nature of his injuries were such, however, that no hope remained, and he passed away at five o’clock. The news of his untimely death seemed almost incredible as it passed among his friends and associates. Groups of people with sorrowful faces and hushed voices might have been seen gathered along the streets and the topic was the tragedy that had come in the night and taken a life that was in the midst of young manhood when many years, rich in usefulness, seemed to lie ahead. The body had been removed to the Armstrong mortuary and during Monday and Tuesday, many friends, especially the young people, came to look upon the face of the friend they so deeply mourned. Vernon Richard Adcock was born in Huntley, Nebraska May 23, 1908, and passed away at Auburn February 16, 1931 at the age of 22 years, 8 months and 3 days. He attended the public schools and graduated in 1929. Being an ambitious lad, he began working at the printer’s trade and was employed at the office of the Nemaha County Herald at the time of his death. He was faithful in the discharge of his duties and was a competent and efficient workman. Last week an effort was being made to get the paper out as soon as possible in order that moving Operations might start, and as he fed the last sheet through the press, he remarked with a smile of satisfaction that he had beaten his usual record by thirty minutes. During the busy week that followed, he was on the job constantly, ready and willing to do his part of the work and anticipating with pleasure the advancement that would have come to him when the move was completed. He was always happy, always cheerful, courteous and willing, and perhaps those who knew best his good qualities are those who worked with him day after day. For the past three years he had made his home with his uncle, Homer Combs and family, by whom he was loved and cherished as their own child, and towhom in turn he gave full measure of affection. He is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.L. Adcock of Brock, seven brothers, Charles of Madison, Nebraska, Clarence of Brock, Cecil of Auburn, and Elmer, Harold, Marion and Ralph, all of whom live at home. One sister, Helen, preceded him in death two years ago. He is also survived by one half-sister, Mrs. Lula Arnold of Kearney, Nebraska and one half-brother, Joe Adcock of Auburn, and by uncles and aunts and numerous other relatives. To all of these a great and sudden sorrow has come which is shared by the people of this community. The funeral was held from the First Methodist Church Wednesday afternoon, conducted by Rev O.U. McProud. The edifice was filled with sorrowing friends, and on the casket and about the alter were floral tributes whose beauty spoke of sorrow and sympathy more eloquently than lips could have spoken. Reverend McProud took the occasion to point out the influence wields when on such occasion people from all walks of life gather in sorrowful assembly, because the life of a young man has been cut short. Music was furnished by a quartet including S. W. Eustice, Carl Hohensee, F.L. McPherren and J.A. Jimerson, with Mrs. O.U. McProud at the piano. The musicians were touched with the pathos of the occasion and sang with a depth of feeling that gave solemn dignity to the consoling ministrations of music. The pallbearers were Leon Hutton, Lawrence Combs, Vernon Lewis, Cyril Thornburg, Robert Gilliatt and John Reed. Following the service, the remains were laid to rest in the family lot in the cemetery at Tecumseh. Those who came a distance to attend the funeral are Mrs. Foster Arnold of Kearney, Mrs. C.A. Davis and Mr. and Mrs. James Davis of Benkelman, and Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Adcock of Madison, Nebr.
Nemaha County Herald Friday
February 20, 1931
˝Sister - Lula J. (Adcock) Arnold
Born - Sunday, July 29, 1888
˝Sister - Dollie M. (Adcock) Hampton
Born - Sunday, February 6, 1890
˝Brother -
Joseph Quincy Adcock
Born - Saturday, September 3,1892
Brother -Charles Monroe Adcock
Born - Sunday, October 9, 1898
Brother -
Lester Clarence Adcock
Born - Wednesday, April 17, 1901
Brother - Cecil L. Adcock
Born - Wednesday, September 23, 1903
Born - Sunday, January 29, 1905
Died - Tuesday, March 21, 1905
Buried - Thursday, March 23, 1905
Tecumseh Cemetery
Tecumseh, Johnson County, Nebraska
Block -183 Lot - 3
1Month 22Days
Elmer Claud Adcock
Born - Tuesday, January 2, 1906
- Harold Edwin Adcock
Born - Tuesday, November 2,
Brother - Glen Adcock
Born - Friday, January 13, 1911
Died - Friday, February 24, 1911
1 Month 9 Days
- Marion Francis "Bill" Adcock
Born - Monday, May 6, 1912
Brother - Ralph Adcock
Born - Friday, January 30, 1914
Born - December1916 - Nebraska
Died -1929
Buried - Tecumseh Cemetery
Tecumseh, Johnson County, Nebraska
Block -183 Lot - 3
- Joseph Lee Adcock
Minnie Jane (Combs) Adcock
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