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Rohrs Family
James R. Dye
Born - February 1834
DeRuyter, Madison County, New York
Residence - Thursday, August 25, 1870
Bedford, Nemaha County, Nebraska
Occupation - Farmer
Residence - Tuesday, June 8, 1880 (Ordelia)
Nemaha, Nemaha County, Nebraska
Residence - Wednesday, June 6 , 1900 (Ordelia)
San Diego, San Diego County, California
Residence - Tuesday, January 6, 1920 (Agnes)
San Diego, San Diego County, California
Died - Sunday, May 22, 1921
His Home, San Diego, California
Pioneer Band Leader Dies In California
James R. Dye Who Located at Nemaha City in 1887, and Was the Pioneer Violist, Musical Instructor, Music Dealer, Band leader of the Territory Passes Away Was a Man Who Radiated Sunshine
In the death of James R. Dye at his home at San Diego, California, May 22, there passed away a man who figured very prominently in the early history of Nebraska and Nemaha County, as the pioneer musical instrument dealer and instructor in music. Mr. Dye more than a half century ago had a fame that extended up and down the Missouri river, from Westport to Omaha, and far inland as an accomplished musician. He was the organizer and leader of the famous Dye family band, composed of members of his own family, and which made Nemaha City prominent as a musical center in the beginning of things in this state. James R. Dye was born at De Ruyter, New York, February 1834. He was received a finished musical education in his native state after which he moved to Wisconsin, and from there came to Nebraska 1857, locating at Nemaha City, where he lived for forty-five years. Shortly after his arrival here he embarked in the business of merchandising musical instruments and it was through him that many pioneer home home in Nemaha county was furnished with the old-fashioned melodeon, and the struggling churches with their first organs, and aristocracy with their first piano-fortes, and the early day country bands with their first bass drums and brass horns, and the country dance musician with his fiddle. Mr. Dye was an accomplished musician as was his brother, the late George Dye, and the members of their families formed a band which was noted in the early day for their musical culture and their proficiency as a family band. None of the early picnics social, political or patriotic gatherings were complete without the attendance and performance of this band, which had a profound cultural effect on the community life, not only of Nemaha County, but the whole of southeastern Nebraska. Because of the prominence of the band, and the talents of James Dye, he became one of the best known men in the early days of the state. Because of his genial and happy nature, his friendship was enjoyed and he was extremely popular. After the marriage of their daughters Mrs. E. M. Boyd and Mrs. E.C. Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. Dyes moved to San Diego, California, where they created a new home that was perfect temple of gracious hospitality for their old Nebraska friends and a show place for visitors from all parts of the world. This was the famous "Dye Villa" with its wonderful arboreal decorations, its beautiful flowers and its aviary with a marvelous collection of singing birds. This beautiful home reflected in a most happy way the genus and versatility as well as the love of the beautiful of James Dye. Persons from Nemaha county who visited California would make it a point to drip in on the Dye's at their home and the register that was kept was almost like the roster of Nebraska. Mr. Dye had been in poor health for some time. He is survived by his wife, Agnes B. Dye, and his daughter, Mrs. E. M. Boyd, of Auburn and Mrs. E. C. Mitchell of San Diego. Mrs. Boyd has been at San Diego for some time recuperating her health. The passing of James R. Dye will cause sadness in the ranks of the pioneers, not only of Nemaha county, but of the entire southeastern part of the state. He was a man who radiated sunshine, and whose greatest happiness in life was to develop and devote all the talents that were in him to promoting the happiness and pleasure of others. He late brother, George Dye, for many hears a loved and honored resident of Auburn, possessed the same characteristics.
Nemaha County Herald Friday June 3, 1921
1st Wife - Mary Dye
Born - 1838 - New York
Died - 1868/1869 - Nebraska
Daughter - Florence J. (Dye) Hadden
Born - March 1868 - Wisconsin
Married - 1898
Husband - John Hadden
Born - June 1872 - Ireland
2nd Wife - Ordelia (Baldwin) Dye
Born - Sunday, December 4, 1836 - New York
Married - 1866
Died - Tuesday, September 20, 1910 - California
73 Years 9 Months 16 Days
Father - William D. Baldwin
Born - February 3, 1808
Died - February 3, 1858 Jefferson County, Wisconsin
Buried - Palmyra City Cemetery, Palmyra, Jefferson County, Wisconsin
Mother - Emiline (Cotton) Baldwin
Born - March 19, 1813
Died - October 12, 1887 Jefferson County, Wisconsin
Daughter - Ann "Annie" (Dye) Boyd
Born - Monday, February 29, 1864 - New York
Married- Tuesday, October 27, 1891
Died - Tuesday, November 8, 1921
Nemaha County, Nebraska
Buried - Saturday, November 12, 1921
Sheridan Cemetery
Auburn, Nemaha County, Nebraska
Section-8 Lot-807 Row-7
57 Years 8 Months 10 Days
Mrs. Anna Boyd Succumbs To a Long Illness
She Was Born at Brownville and was a Member of One of the Noted Pioneers Families of the County Was a Most devoted Wife and Mother
Mrs. Anna Boyd, wife of Edward M. Boyd, passed away at the family home in this city at 6:15 o'clock, Tuesday evening. Her death marked the end of a very long illness, during which her many friends continued to hope that the malady which assailed her, might yet be conquered and that she might be spared for many years of useful life. That such should not be the case, brought sorrow to the hearts of all and her passing is mourned deeply by all who know her and valued at their true worth all her fine womanly qualities.
The deceased, who was born in Brownville, February 29, 1864, was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Dye, pioneer residents of the county. Her youth was spent in Brownville and on a farm near Nemaha. The Dye family was a family of musicians and had a large part in the laying of the foundation for the splendid degree of musical culture which exists in this community at the present time. James Dye organized the first band in the county, and a concert company composed entirely of members of the Dye family gained wide popularity because of the fine quality of their music. The deceased shared fully in the talent which distinguished the family, and her home advantages were supplemented by a course at the Chicago conservatory of music and she developed into a pianist of marked abilities. Upon returning to Nemaha county she engaged in teaching music for a number of years with fine success.
On October 27, 1891, she was united in marriage to Mr. E. M. Boyd in this city. Until recent years when her health began to fail Mrs. Boyd had a very large part in the social and cultural life of the community. She was an active and devout member of the Episcopal church and her Christian life was very beautiful. As a charter member of the Mental Culture club she brought into the club work inspiration of intellectual attainment and earnestness of purpose and the co-operation in promoting the aims of the club was of inestimable value to her fellow workers.
To her three sons she was a most devoted mother. She gave to them all that the best of maternal influence can give making freely all the sacrifices and bestowing upon them all the devotion that exemplifies mother love in its highest form. She was spared to see the two older sons making for themselves marks of distinction in the world of men and the youngest started along the path that had been followed by their brothers. These sons are Robert Boyd, a civil engineer and graduate of Princeton and now employed by the Department of Public Works in the development of highway projects; Edward Boyd, a graduate of Yale and now attending Columbia Law School, and Carson Boyd, who is a student at Mercersburg Academy, Mercersburg, Pennsylvania, where both his brothers were prepared for college. Besides her husband and three sons, Mrs. Boyd is survived by one half sister, Mrs. Eleanor Mitchell, of San Diego, California.
About two years ago the condition of Mrs. Boyd's health became such that it was thought that a change of climate
might be of permanent benefit, so she went to San Diego, one of the show places of San Diego. For a time it appeared as though the hopes for results would be attained, but the benefits were early but temporary and finally the death of her father, which occurred about six months ago, so effected her that it became evident that there could be but little hope for an improvement and two months ago she was brought back to her home in Auburn. Here among those who had known and loved her for so many years; among the associations which had been hers since childhood, she passed away.
In the hour of sorrow, the members of the family have the deep sympathy of friends. She will not be forgotten, for her life was not of the kind that ends when the eyes close and the heart ceased to function and the last breath is drawn. She will live in the memory of husband and children and friends, and may the memory of her life well lived be to them all a source of consolation, which shall rest upon their aching hearts like a benediction and bring to their sorrowing spirits that peace which the world cannot give.
The funeral services will be held from the Episcopal church at 10:30 o'clock, Saturday morning and interment will be in Sheridan cemetery.
Nemaha County Herald Friday November 11, 1921
Husband - Edward M. Boyd
Born - May 4, 1857 ۩ Franklin County, Pennsylvania
Died - November 24, 1924
Buried -Sheridan Cemetery ۩ Auburn, Nemaha County, Nebraska
Section-8 Lot-807 Row-7
Father - Robert James Boyd
Born - October 2, 1892
Died - 1951 ۩ Nemaha County, Nebraska
Buried -Sheridan Cemetery ۩ Auburn, Nemaha County, Nebraska
Mother - Gwendolyn (White) Boyd
Born - July 23, 1893
Otoe County, Nebraska
Died - February 20, 1982 ۩ Escondido, San Diego County,
Buried -Sheridan Cemetery ۩ Auburn, Nemaha County, Nebraska
Death Calls Banker From Active Life
Edward M. Boyd Passed Away at Lincoln Sanitarium - Monday Morning After Long Illness Passing Marks End of Useful Life and Brings Deep Sorrow
Edward M. Boyd, passed away at the Lincoln Sanitarium at 9:45 o'clock Monday morning. When Mr. Boyd first became ill some six months ago he was taken to the Sanitarium where it was confidently expected that with proper care and treatment his health would be restored and he would be able to resume once more his life of activity and usefulness in this community. During the long months that followed, every recourse known to medical science was resorted to in his behalf and to this was added the most tender of nursing and care, but the malady from which he suffered gradually encroached upon his strength and there came a time when his strong constitution could no longer hold its own; when his remarkable vitality was no longer equal to the demands made upon it and then the long fight was over and a life of real usefulness had reached its end.
During his long illness the friends in the community where so many of the years of his life had been passed and where he had exerted so strong on influence along many lines, never ceased to hope that he might be spared and that he might come back to again take up the life work which he had been compelled by illness to lay aside. It was with the sincerest sorrow, therefore, that they learned that their hopes had been in vain and that it was only the inanimate form that was to be returned to them.
In every community there are certain outstanding men - men to whom others naturally look for leadership and counsel. Such a position cannot be attained by personal effort - it comes with the natural development of inherent trait of character. Such a man was Edward M. Boyd.
The deceased was born in Upton, Franklin county, Pennsylvania, May 4, 1857 and was the son of Robert J. Boyd, whose birth had occurred at the same place. His ancestors were among the early settlers of Pennsylvania and many of them had filled prominent places in the affairs of the commonwealth and had been leaders when leadership was most needed in the building up and developing of that wide expanse of territory that was
afterwards to become one of the greatest of the states of the strong traits of character that were to to manifest themselves in his own life work. He grew to young manhood at the place of his birth, and was educated at Mercersburg college, where he graduated with the class of 1879. He prepared himself for the practice of law and was admitted to the bar of Franklin county, Pennsylvania.
In the spring of 1882 he came to Auburn and that same year was admitted to the bar here. He soon afterwards became identified with the Carson National bank, of which institution he was president at the time of his death. His knowledge of the law as well as of every detail of the banking business enabled him to fill a place of usefulness, not only to the bank but to the community as a whole. He had a keen analytical mind and sound judgment and was conservative and painstaking in all that he did. Men in all walks of life came to him for advise and relied upon his judgment, and there is no way of estimating the value of help that he has given and the assistance he has rendered in the solution of business and other problems. He had a deep interest in all that had to do with community welfare and could be depended upon to council wisely those who would promote anything worth while. It is often the case with those whose natures are intensely practical that they have in them no sentiment, but not so with Mr. Boyd. He was a lover of the beautiful , whether he found it in literature, in nature or as a gem of purest ray serene in the heart of a friend. He could lay aside the burdens of his business activity and talk freely of those things that give to life beauty and charm and romance. He was kind hearted and generous but his was that type of charity that lets not the left hand know what the right hand doeth. He was a man of great personal dignity, calm and self possessed and went about his life work without ostentation or display. He never sought the plaudits and aggrandizements that appeal to so many, but was content that those things which he achieved might speak for himself. As friend, counselor and kindly associate he will be missed and mourned.
Mr. Boyd was a thirty-second degree Mason and held in close observance that principles of the order. To him fraternity meant real brotherhood - the brotherhood of service. He had held high places in the order at of which he had filled with dignity and credit. He was also associated with the I.O.O.F., A.O.U.W., the B.P.O.E., and other fraternal organizations.
His religious convictions found expression through membership,. In the Episcopal church. Here, as in every other activity his relationship was marked by deep loyalty and he found therein not only those things necessary to his spiritual needs, but a means of real and vital service to others.
Mr. Boyd was married October 27, 1891 to Miss Anna Dye who passed away November 8, 1921. He is survived, however by three sons, Robert, a civil engineer associated with the Department of Public Works of Nebraska, Edward Boyd, an attorney connected with a prominent law firm in New York City and Carson, a student at Yale. The sons have come to Auburn to be present at the funeral of their father. His surviving sister, Mrs. Estella Angle of Upton, Pennsylvania, and his brother, John U. Boyd of Chambersburg, Pennsylvania, reached Lincoln a short time before his death and will also be present at the funeral. He is also survived by his brother, Robert C. Boyd of Auburn. To these as well as to all other members of the family the sincere sympathy of the people of the community is extended.
The funeral services will be held at 10 o'clock Friday morning from the Episcopal church, with services conducted by the Rev. L. D. Smith; of Nebraska City. The interment will be in Sheridan cemetery.
Nemaha County Herald Friday November 28, 1924
Daughter - Eleanor "Nora" O. (Dye) Mitchell
Born - Wednesday, February 7, 1872
Nemaha County, Nebraska
Married -1917
Died - Tuesday, June 21, 1955
Los Angeles, California
83 Years 4 Months 14 Days
- Edmund
Born - June 24, 1872 ۩ Maryland
Died - September 14, 1948 ۩ San Diego, California
3rd Wife - Agnes B. (Gentleman) Dye
Born - 1868 - Scotland
(Naturalized 1873)
Sister - Julia Dye
Died - At 12 Years of Age
Seneca, Cattaraugus County, New York
Brother - William Henry Dye
Born - April1831 - New York
Occupation - Harness-Maker
Residence in 1880,1895, 1900, 1905 Ottumwa, Wapello County, Iowa
Wife - Maria Anna Dye
Born - November 1840 - England
Married - 1865
Children: Has a Daughter and One Son
Daughter - Luella M. Dye
Born - September 1871 - Nebraska
Son - Edward H. Dye
Born - August 1872 - Nebraska
Occupation - Musician
Brother - Nathan P. Dye
Born - 1833 - New York
Per Brother George Dye's Obituary in 1916,
Nathan died in Nemaha county, Nebraska, in the prime of life
Occupation in 1920 - Apartment Landlord
Died - Prior to July 1916
Nemaha County, Nebraska
Wife - Minerva Dye
Born - 1836 - New York
Sister - Mary E. (Dye) Dye
Mary E. married a cousin by the name of Dye,
both being deceased Before July 1916, and they left one daughter
Brother- George Emery Dye
Born - Thursday, August 6, 1839
Yates County, New York
Wife - Mary E. (Grant) Dye
Born - March 22,1848
Jefferson County, Wisconsin
Brother - Charles L. Dye
Died - At 4 Years of Age
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