Eltiste-Kaiser Web Site
Eltiste Family
Conrad August Herman Eltiste
Harry Eltiste
Born - August 11,1891
Family Home - Johnson, Nemaha County, Nebraska
Married - November 28,1917
Saint Paul's Lutheran Church
(Hickory Grove Lutheran Church)
Nemaha County, Nebraska
Died - July 27,1987
Nemaha County Hospital
Auburn, Nemaha County, Nebraska
Buried - Sheridan Cemetery
Auburn, Nemaha County, Nebraska
Herman Eltiste Honored
Herman Eltiste of rural Auburn has been named an "Honorary Admiral" of the Great Nebraska Navy. Eltiste 94, is proud of the award and said it was a pleasant surprise. The citation recognizes recipients for patriotism, valor, fidelity and ability. The honoree worked various jobs before retirement, mostly agricultural-related.
Chipping from 1985
Killed Big Coyote
H.A. Eltiste who lives near Johnson brought a coyote skin to town Saturday, that attracted a good deal of attention because of its unusual size. The skin measured five and one-half feet in length. Mr. Eltiste shot the animal with a 22 caliber rifle and wounded it after which it was killed by his bull dog. Its mate was with it, but escaped. Coyotes have been killing chickens and committing other depredations in that section for some time, but this big fellow will do no more damage.
Nemaha County Herald Friday January 24, 1919
Wife - Ethyl Harriet (Kiel) Eltiste
Born - September 24, 1900 ♦ Died - January 6, 1961
Son -
Kiel Eugene Eltiste
Born - July 8, 1918 ♦ Died - July 10, 2000
Son -
Herman Alton Paul Eltiste
Born - May 27,1920 ♦ Died - August 6,1944
Son -
Warren Kenton Friedrich
Born - August 9,1922 ♦ Died - January 14, 2003
Freiderick Paul Eltiste
F. Paul Eltiste
Maria Barbara(Stadtler) Eltiste
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Last Up-Date 03/06/2011 01:03:34 PM