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Rohrs Family
Harold Willard Miner
Born - December 17, 1903
Auburn, Nemaha County, Nebraska
Died - May 1, 1942
Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah
Three members of the crew
were among the 17 persons killed
In the crash of a United Airlines
Account of Plane Crash
Wife - Patricia (Dempsey) Miner
Born - April 2, 1915
Seattle, King County, Washington
Father - John Martin Dempsey
Born -1894 - Washington ♦ Died - February 9, 1952 - Washington
Mother - Nora (Downey) Dempsey
Born -1892 -Washington ♦ Died - April 17, 1966 - Washington
Son - John Martin Miner
Born - September 24, 1941
Son- Willard Harold Miner
Born - January 1, 1943
Sister - Mary Marguerite Miner
Born - July 15, 1902
Brother - Frederick Rohrs Miner
Born -October 9, 1907
Sister - Dorothy Pearl (Miner) Chapman
Born - November 14, 1909
Brother - Paul Curlyn Miner
Born - November 26, 1911
Brother -
Marvin Clayton Miner
Born - August 22, 1913
Sister - Hollis Grant (Miner) Ohm
Born - May 11, 1915
Brother - Ross Henry Miner
Born - June16, 1916
Donald Earl Miner
Born - July 20, 1920
Father - Willard Henry Miner
Mother - Ida Pearl (Rohrs) Miner
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