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Rohrs Family
Stella, Nebraska Saturday, September 5, 1931
Mrs. Fred Rohrs of Peru, who was Miss Pearl Miner of Stella, announces the wedding of her daughter, Mary Rohrs. to John Black of Rochester,Pennsylvania.
The wedding was solemnized Friday afternoon, Sept. 4, at the Rohrs home in Peru.
The officiating minister was Rev. Clinton B. Swengel of Boston, who will soon begin his third year in the Boston School of Theology, and who is visiting his parents at Plainview and a brother. M. L. Swengel, superintendent of schools at Shubert.
The bride has been in school at Boston, where Mr. Black recently finished his work at the school of theology of Boston university.
Mr. and Mrs. Black will return to Pennsylvania, where he will receive his assignment for preaching this next year in the Pittsburgh conference of the Methodist Episcopal church.
Husband - John William Black
Born - Tuesday, August 1, 1905
Rochester, Beaver County, Pennsylvania
Died - Friday, October 16, 1992
Lakewood, Los Angels County, California
Father - John Black
Mother - Annie Brown (Weaver) Black
Son - John Frederick Black
Born - November 12, 1934
Daughter - Mary Ann (Black) Richmond
Born - January 26, 1942
Sister - Ellen (Rohrs) Hill
Born - September 29, 1902
Auburn, Nemaha County, Nebraska
Sister - Pauline M. (Rohrs) Frazee
Born - January 4, 1907
Auburn, Nemaha County, Nebraska
Sister - Kathryn Rohrs
Born - January 4, 1908
Auburn, Nemaha County, Nebraska
Sister - Louise (Rohrs) O'Connor
Born - November 11, 1910
Auburn, Nemaha County, Nebraska
Brother -
Fredrick Harry Rohrs
Born - December 4, 1914
Auburn, Nemaha County, Nebraska
Sister - Esther Lee (Rohrs) Brewer
Born - August 3, 1925
Auburn, Nemaha County, Nebraska
Father - Friedrick Henry Rohrs
Mother - Pearl Mary (Miner) Rohrs
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