Eltiste-Kaiser Web Site
Eltiste Family
Herman Alton Paul Eltiste
Born - May 27,1920 - Johnson, Nebraska
Married - July 31,1941 - Johnson, Nebraska
Veteran World War 2
Killed In Action- August 6,1944 - Aramo, New Guinea
Buried - Manila American Cemetery
Fort McKinley, Manila,
Philippine Islands
Grave Number - Section D Row15 Space72
Father - Conrad August Herman Eltiste
Mother - Ethyl Harriet (Kiel) Eltiste
Mildred Lois (Bohlken) Eltiste Gridley
Born - January 27, 1922
Fourth Grade Teacher - 1947 - Malvern Schools
Died - September 19, 1975
Buried - Evergreen Memorial Park
Section-G Lot-320 Space-4
Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska
Father - Henry Carson Bohlken
Mother - Minnie (Malpert) Bohlken
Pretty Wedding at County Residence
The marriage of Miss Mildred L. Bohlken, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Bohlken, near Auburn, and Herman A. Eltiste Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Eltiste Sr., of near Johnson, was solemnized at four-thirty o'clock last Thursday afternoon, July 31, at the bride's home. Rev. G. K. Wiencke, pastor of St. John's Lutheran church, performed the double ring ceremony before an improvised altar decorated with gladiola and fern. Only members of the immediate families were in attendance. Special piano numbers were played by Mr. G. K. Wiencke. The bride wore a street length dress of navy blue crepe trimmed in white starched chiffon and her accessories were white. She also wore a gold necklace of her mother's and carried a bouquet of white lilies tied with white tulle. The groom was dressed in a dark business suit and wore a gardenia boutonnière. Following the ceremony a three course dinner was served by Mrs. Floyd Bohlken, Mrs. Kenton Eltiste, Ora Torbeck and Miss Avis Bohlken. A color scheme of pink and white was carried out in the table appointments and the centerpiece was a tiered wedding cake topped with a miniature bride and groom. Pink and white tapers also added to the table setting. During the dinner the newlyweds received a telegram, extending congratulations, from the groom's brother, Kiel Eltiste, who is at Camp Robinson, Little Rock, Arkansas. Mrs. Eltiste is a graduate of Auburn high school, class of 1938, and attended Peru State Teachers college, where she was a member of Gamma Chi. For the past two years she has been teaching at the Prairie Hill school. Mr. Eltiste graduated from the Johnson high school in 1938 and since that time has assisted his father in farming. The young couple left on a trip through the Ozarks, and will visit Mr. Eltiste's brother, Kiel, at Camp Robinson, en-route home.
Nemaha County Herald Auburn, Nebraska Thursday August 7, 1941
Son -
Alton Gail Eltiste
Born - May 29,1942
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