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Rohrs Family
Edith Ellen Dye
Born - Thursday, January 19, 1871
Howe, Nemaha County, Nebraska
Died - Monday, June 5, 1899
Nemaha Precinct, Nemaha County, Nebraska
Buried - Thursday, June 8, 1899
Howe Cemetery, Nemaha County, Nebraska
Death of Miss Edith E. Dye
In Memoriam
Edith Ellen, daughter of George E. and Mary E. Dye, was born at Howe, Nebraska, January 19th, 1871, and died at the residence of her parents in Nemaha precinct, June 5th, 1899, at 3:25 p.m. After leaving the public school she studied music, preparing herself for teaching, which profession she followed as long as her health would permit. While attending school at Stella her health began to fail, but she was persevering and she continued her work. About one year ago she spent seven months in Broken Bow, Nebraska, hoping to be benefited by the change. For the first few months she seemed very much improved, but took a severe cold from the effects of which she never recovered. While there she became converted, was baptized and united with the Baptist church last August. In November she went to San Diego, California, again hoping for a change for the better, but instead failed steadily. She returned home April 29th and died as above stated. The funeral
services were held Tuesday afternoon at the M. E. church at Howe conducted
by Rev. W. Dieffenbach of this city. Interment at Howe cemetery. Her
remains were followed to their last earthly resting place by a large
concourse of people. The death of Miss Dye removed from the county one of its noblest and most accomplished and popular young ladies, and while her death wa not expected, the news carried deep sorrow to the hearts of all who knew her, for to know her was to love and admire her. To the grief stricken parents, sons, and daughters and other near relatives the warmest sympathy of a large circle of friends is freely extended.
Leaves have their time to fall, And flowers to wither at the north winds breath, And stars to set; but all... Thou hast all seasons for thyme own, O' Death.
The Nemaha County Herald Friday June 9, 1899
Brother- Charles Grant Dye
Born - May 18,1866 - Wisconsin
- Jessie Veronica Dye
Born - May11, 1877 - Nebraska
- Blanche Ann Dye
Born - August 10,1881- Nebraska
Emery George Dye
Born - July 19,1882 - Nebraska
- George Emery Dye
- Mary E. (Grant) Dye
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