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Hahn Family
Johan Friedrich Hahn
"Fred J. Hahn"
Born - January 21, 1861 - Illinois
Married - February1885
Died - February 4, 1942
Johnson, Nemaha County, Nebraska
Buried - February 7, 1942
Arapahoe Cemetery, Furnas County, Nebraska
Death Takes Fred Hahn Former Furnas Farmer
Arapahoe - Relatives here received news Wednesday of the death of Fred Hahn, which occurred that morning at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Will Deutsch at Johnson. He suffered from a heart ailment and his condition has been serious for some time.
Mr. Hahn lived in this community for many years, residing on the same farm, two miles north of town, for some thirty-odd years, and until the death of Mrs. Hahn in July 1940. Since then his time has been divided among his children and since last August he has been with his daughter at Johnson.
He is survived by seven children, Mrs. Marie Deutsch, Johnson; Mrs. Minnie Anderson, Racine, Wisconsin; Mrs. Clara Barton; Mrs. Rose Lamar, Whitten, Iowa; Robert Hahn, Hayes Center, Nebraska; Mrs. Elsie Monroe, Glendo, Wyoming; and Arnold Hahn, Hemingford.
The remains will be brought to Arapahoe for funeral services to be held at 9:30 o'clock Saturday morning from the Trinity Lutheran church. Interment will be in the Arapahoe cemetery. The Public Mirror Thursday -February 5, 1942
Wife - Katharina (Mannschreck) Hahn
Born - February 26,1865- Germany
Died - July 26, 1940
Buried - Arapahoe Cemetery, Furnas County, Nebraska
Mrs. Fred Hahn Passes Away After Brief Illness
Arapahoe - The death of Mrs. Fred Hahn, early Friday morning, came as a distinct shock to many of her relatives and friends. Although her health had been failing and a heart condition had recently kept her partially confined, it was a stroke suffered Thursday that proved fatal. Her thirty-odd years of residence here have been spent on the same farm, two miles north of town, and the large gatherings for the funeral services attested to her wide circle of friends and acquaintances. The last rites were held at two-thirty o'clock Monday afternoon at Trinity Lutheran Church, in charge of her pastor, William J. Roesler. Burial was in the Arapahoe cemetery. Her seven surviving children were all present, as well as many other members of a large family circle. Pallbearers were Fred Kingsley of Arapahoe and five nephews, Chris Eltiste and Roy Ferguson of Phillipsburg, Kansas, Glen Mannschreck of Topeka, Kansas, Lee Mannschreck of Le Roy, Kansas and Henry Hahn of Johnson. Catherine Hahn, daughter of Christian and Catherina Mannschreck, was born in Wuertemberg, Germany, February 26, 1865. She received her Christian education in the Evangelical Lutheran Church and was confirmed at the age of 14. In the year 1880, when she was 15 years old, she came with her parents to Nebraska City, Nebraska. Three years later she was united in marriage to Fred J. Hahn at Talmadge, Nebraska by Rev. Duerschner. Mr. and Mrs. Hahn spent the early years of their married life on a farm in Johnson County, Nebraska. It the spring of the year 1908 the family came to Arapahoe; they made their home on a farm two miles north of town, where the family resided ever since. In February of this year Mr. and Mrs. Hahn were married 57 years; in February of the year 1933 they celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary, for which occasion all the children were able to be present. Although Mrs. Hahn had been failing in health the past year, it was not until recent months that she could not take of the duties of her household. She was called by her Lord from this earthly abode to her heavenly home early Friday morning at the age of 75 years and 5 months. She leaves her husband, Mr. Fred Hahn and seven children: Mrs. Marie Deutsch of Johnson, Nebraska; Mrs. Minnie Anderson of Racine, Wisconsin; Mrs. Clara Barton of Johnson, Nebraska; Mrs. Rose Lamer of Whitten, Iowa; Mr. Robert Hahn of Hayes Center, Nebraska; Mrs. Elsie Monroe of Glendo, Wyoming, and Mr. Arnold Hahn of Arapahoe, Nebraska. Two children preceded her Lela Catherina died in infancy and George Christian, August 12, 1933 at the age of 44 years. There are 17 grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. Mrs. Hahn is also survived by four sisters and three brothers: Mrs. Henry Hahn of Orange, California; Mrs. Carrie Wagner of Apache, Okalahoma; Mrs. Ernestine Ferguson of Yuma, Colorado; Mrs. Mary Uhlman of Los Angeles, California; Emanuel Mannschreck of Le Roy, Kansas; Henry Mannschreck of Danbury, Nebraska, and Fred Mannschreck of Alhambra, California. The Public Mirror August 1, 1940
Daughter - Marie K. (Hahn) Deutsch
Born - December1883 - Nebraska
Husband - Frederick W.
Born - 1880 - Nebraska
Daughter - Minnie (Hahn) Anderson
Born - March1885 - Nebraska
Son - George Christian Hahn
Born - October 1888 - Nebraska
Died - August 12, 1933
Daughter - Clara (Hahn) Barton
Born - September 1891 - Nebraska
Daughter - Rose (Hahn) Lamar
Born - October 1894 - Nebraska
Son - Robert Phillip Hahn
Born - October 17,1894 - Nebraska
Died - April
Hayes Center, Hayes County, Nebraska
Daughter - Elsie (Hahn) Monroe
Born - May 1896 - Nebraska
Son - Arnold J. Hahn
Born - 1902 - Nebraska
Sister -Christine (Hahn) Lehn
Born - August 1, 1854 - Pennsylvania
Katharina (Hahn) Eltiste
Kate Eltiste
Born - April 13, 1858
Peru, LaSalle County, Illinois
Sister - Wilhelmina Emily Hahn
Born- December 1859 - Illinois
Brother -Johann Heinrich Hahn
"Henry Hahn"
Born - December 4, 1862 - Illinois
- Jakob J. Hahn
"Jacob Hahn"
Born -July 11, 1864 - Illinois
Brother -
George J. Hahn
Born - March 11, 1866 - Illinois
Sister -
Maria Magdalena
(Hahn) Ritter
Born - April 1869 - Illinois
- Anna Barbara (Hahn) Schoene
Born -1869 - Illinois
-Charles Jacob Hahn
Charlie Hahn
Born - May 4,1872 - Nebraska
Sister - Emma Margaret (Hahn) Schmidt
Born - March1874 - Nebraska
- Elizabeth A. (Hahn) Collman
Born - June 1875 - Nebraska
- Heinrich Hahn
Mother - Maria Katharina Sybillia (Lehn) Hahn
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