Eltiste-Kaiser Web Site
Eltiste Family
Christina (Eltiste) Smith
Born - Wednesday, February12, 1873
Burgsalach, Bavaria, Germany
Arrived - USA - 1873
Residence - Sunday, June 15,1880
Spring Creek Precinct, Johnson County, Nebraska
Became Citizen -USA - 1890
Married - Saturday, August 4, 1894
Nemaha County, Nebraska
Residence - Monday, June 18,1900
Auburn, Nemaha County, Nebraska
Residence - 1920 - Bedford, Nemaha County, Nebraska
Residence - 1927 - Tucson, Pima County, Arizona
Residence - April 5, 1930
Bedford, Nemaha County, Nebraska
Residence -1931
DeRidder, Beauregard Parish, Louisiana
Residence -1942
Orlando, Orange County, Florida
Died - Sunday, January 7, 1945
Gainesville, Alachua County, Florida
Buried - Tuesday, January 9, 1945
Evergreen Cemetery
Gainesville, Alachua County, Florida
Rites Tuesday For Mrs. Smith
Funeral services for Mrs. Christine Eltiste Smith, who died at her residence on West Michigan Avenue yesterday, following a lingering illness, will be conducted by Dr. Rollin Jones from the Thomas Funeral Home at 10:00 a.m. tomorrow. Interment will be in the Evergreen Cemetery.
Mrs. Smith was born in Bavaria, Germany. February 12, 1873. She came to Gainesville in 1944, where she is survived by one son, Francis H. Smith, of this city.
Gainesville Daily Sun Wednesday January 8, 1945
David, Francis, Albert & Christina Smith
- Dave Smith
Born - December 4, 1859
Brownville, Richardson County, Nebraska
Son - Francis H. Smith
Born - April 13,1896
Son - Albert James Smith
Born - April 25, 1900
- August Christian Eltiste
Chris Eltiste
Sophia Katharine
(Eltiste) Kaiser
Sophia Kaiser
Wilhelmine Pauline Christina (Eltiste) Wingert
Minnie Wingert
Wilhelmine Emil
Elizabeth (Eltiste) Bohling
Elizabeth Bohling
˝Brother - William Frederick Eltiste
Willie Eltiste
Paul Herman Eltiste
Paul Eltiste
Conrad August Herman Eltiste
Harry Eltiste
- Theodore Fredrich Emil Eltiste
Born - January 31, 1895 ~ Died - April 1, 1895
Notice of Sale of Real Estate By Referee
In the District Court of Nemaha County, Nebraska
Christina Smith and David Smith, Plaintiffs vs Sophia Kaiser, Henry Kaiser, Minnie Wingert, Arthur Wingert, Elizabeth Bohling, Fred D. Bohling, William F. Eltiste, Paul Eltiste, Edna Eltiste, Herman A. Eltiste, Ethel Eltiste, and Carl J. Boyles, Administrator of the Estate of August Christian Eltiste, Deceased, Defendants.
Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of an order made by the Hon. John B. Raper, Judge of said Court, on the 19th day of April, 1928, in the above-entitled action for the sale of the real estate hereinafter described, there will be sold at the East front door of the Court House in Auburn, Nemaha County, Nebraska on the 19th day of June, 1928, at two o’clock, P. M., to the highest bidder for cash, the following described real estate, to-wit; The South Half of the Southwest Quarter; and the Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section Twenty; and the East Half of the Northeast Quarter of Section Ten; all in Township Five North of Range Thirteen, East of the Sixth P.M., in Nemaha County, Nebraska. Same will be sold free of mortgage liens, with 1927 taxes paid, and purchaser to receive landlord’s share of crops. Abstracts furnished. Dated this 14th day of May, 1928.
Edgar Ferneau, Referee. William G. Rutledge, Attorney
Nemaha County Herald Friday, May 25, 1928
Father -
Freiderick Paul Eltiste
- Anna Sophia (Stadtler) Eltiste
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