Eltiste-Kaiser Web Site
Eltiste Family
Wilhelmine Emile Elizabeth
(Eltiste) Bohling
Born - August 3,1885
Family Home Near -Auburn,
Nemaha County, Nebraska
Died -January 21, 1967
Nemaha County, Nebraska
Buried - Saint Paul's "Hickory Grove" Cemetery
Auburn, Nemaha County, Nebraska
Frederich & Elizabeth Bohling
Married - November 25, 1908
Wednesday, November 25, 1908 at the Hickory Grove Church, Reverend Streng officiating. Mr. Fred Bohling and Elizabeth Eltiste were married. The groom is the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bohling living Northeast of town and is one of our ambitious young farmers, who is highly respected by all who know him. The bride is one of the daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Eltiste and is one of our German girls of sterling worth, that is capable of gracing any partner and is an excellent helpmeet to a man that is the hustler that her husband is The wedding occurred at 10 o'clock A.M. and the last we heard the wedding party was still making merry at the home of the bride's parents.. The Editor has known Lizzie since she was a child and unites with many friends in and near Johnson in wishing her the limit in happiness and prosperity
The Johnson News November 27, 1908
- Friedrich Heinrich
Dietrich Bohling
Fred "Feeddie" Bohling
Born - November 25, 1879
Schwalingen, Germany
Baptized - April 1, 1894
Nemaha County, Nebraska
Died - April 8, 1953
Auburn, Nemaha County, Nebraska
Buried - April 10, 1953
Hickory Grove Cemetery, Nemaha County, Nebraska
Father - Frederich Heinrich Bohling
Born - September1852 - Germany
Married -August 17,1877
Mother - Anna Katherina (Baden) Bohling
Born - March 1853 - Germany
Emilie Elizabeth Eltiste, daughter of Paul and Barbara Stadler Eltiste, was born in Nemaha county, August 3, 1885, one of nine children. She was baptized August 30, 1885 at St. Paul Lutheran church by Reverend Henry Nau, and was confirmed August 3, 1900 by Reverend Theodore Streng. She was to remain a member all of her life. She received her schooling in the Hickory Grove community, and was married to Fred Bohling Jr., November 25, 1908, at Hickory Grove church. To this union four daughters were born. After their marriage Mr. and Mrs. Bohling settled on a farm northwest of Auburn. In 1948 they moved to Auburn where Mr. Bohling passed away April 8, 1953. About seven years ago Mrs. Bohling’s health began to fail. She entered the Hoove nursing home on May 2, 1966 where she passed away January 21, 1967. She had reached the age of 81 years, 5 months and 18 days. In addition to her husband, her parents, one son-in-law, Paul Gobber, three brothers and one sister, preceded her in death. Those left to mourn her passing include four daughters, Mrs. Paul Gobber of Johnson, Mrs. Alvin Goering of Johnson, Mrs. Elmer Adcock of Milford and Mrs. George Hosterman of Hughson, California; three sons-in-law; 14 grandchildren; 10 great grandchildren; two brothers, Paul Eltiste of Sumner and Herman Eltiste of Auburn; two sisters, Mrs. Wilhelmina Wingert of Sumner and Mrs. Sophia Kaiser of Phillipsburg, Kansas; nieces and nephews, other relatives and friends. Funeral services were held January 23 at St. Paul’s Lutheran Hickory Grove church, conducted by Rev. William Jurgens. Music was by Alvin Remmers, Reverend William Jurgens, Harlan Bohling, Larry Bohling and Mark Oestmann, with Mrs. Alvin Remmers as accompanist. Eveyln Rosenbohm was organist. Pallbearers were Dick Gerdes, Henry Rogge, Charles Flack, Henry Petersen, Albert Simpson and Leonard Lunzmann. Mrs. Henry Rogge, Lois Schriefer and Mrs. Madeline Erisman were in charge of flowers. Burial was in the church cemetery, with Casey’s in charge of arrangements
Nemaha County Herald January 27, 1967- Page 2
Helene Emma Wilhelmine
(Bohling) Gobber
Esther Sophia
Emma (Bohling) Goering
Hilda Barbara Augusta (Bohling)
Daughter - Elsie Adolene Marie (Bohling) Hosterman
½Sister - Christina (Eltiste) Smith
August Christian
Chris Eltiste
Sophia Katharine
(Eltiste) Kaiser
Sophie Kaiser
- William Frederick
Willie Eltiste
Wilhelmine Pauline Christina (Eltiste) Wingert
Minnie Wingert
Paul Herman Eltiste
Paul Eltiste
Brother - Conrad August Herman Eltiste
Harry Eltiste
- Theodore Fredrich Emil
Born - January 31, 1895 ♦ Died - April 1, 1895
Freiderick Paul Eltiste
Maria Barbara (Stadtler) Eltiste
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