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Eltiste Family
Warren Kirby Eltiste
Born - January 7, 1949
Auburn, Nemaha County, Nebraska
January 7th
Kenny Loggins - American Singer - 1948
Katie Couric - American Television Host - 1957
Nicolas Cage - American Actor -1964
Hole In One
Tiburon: Kirby Eltiste, 155-yard No. 8, with an 8-iron Witnesses: Marilyn DeJong, Bob Snowden, Jeanine Beaudin
Saturday - June 16, 2007 Omaha World Herald
1st Wife - Pamela Kay (Hauptman) Eltiste
Married - September 7, 1968
Nebraska City, Nebraska
Son - Andrew Scott Eltiste
Born - June 22, 1972
Son - James Peter Eltiste
Born - May 14, 1974
2nd Wife - Peggy Lee (Pickard) Eltiste
Married - August 18, 1978
Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska
Father - Keith Pickard
Born - January 10, 1928 ۩ Died - February 4, 1987
Mother - Thelma (Wyrick) Pickard
3rd Wife - Kathy (Wischow) Eltiste
Daughter - Christiana Marie Wischow Eltiste
Born - June 30, 1992
Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska
- Marissa Donne Wischow Eltiste
Born - March 7, 1994
Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska
Brother -
Ronald Gene Eltiste
Born - January 23, 1944 ۩ Died - June 14, 1994
Tribute To Ronald Gene Eltiste
- Diann Lynn (Eltiste)
Born - November 23, 1945
- Jay Scott Eltiste
Born - June 24, 1960 ۩ Died - June 26, 1960
Warren Kenton Friedrich Eltiste
Kenton Eltiste
Mother - Caryll Jane (Briar) Eltiste
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