Eltiste-Kaiser Web Site

Family Tombstones

Page 1



Over the years we have walked through many cemeteries,

Collecting information and photographing tombstones.

This your chance to search for stones in the comfort of your own home.

The tombstones are in no particular order.

As long as we remember our ancestors in our hearts,

they are always with us....

Even though they are in a different place, they are still a part of our lives, let us not forget the ones who have gone before us.

This is the reasons for this web site...

Click On Thumbnail To Visit Page

Place Mouse Over Thumbnail To Identify Tombstone

Some Thumbnails Have Two Different Links

(Example Husband & Wife on Same Stone)


Richard Kaiser - Tombstone August Kaiser - Tombstone








Lawrence Look - Tombstone Wilma (Kaiser) Look-Sterrett - Tombstone




Henry Kaiser - Tombstone Edna (Jones) Kaiser - Stone



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Last Up-Date   08/06/2008 07:01:25 PM